JAVEX logo is combined with three visual themes to deliver Perfection and Integrity of the JAVEX brand value
JAVE means brilliance and X connotes expanding scale. The brand name, JAVEX, inherent thoughtful balance between visionary thinking and solid foundation to address boundless connection of infinite potential in meeting customer needs “Connecting Brilliance” thus exhibits the JAVEX culture and its core values for meeting customers’ needs.
JAVEX continually engages in research for cutting-edge innovations to incorporate the state-of-art technologies into its products. This is done with due integrity to both interior and exterior design aspects to achieve superior quality.
Service professionals derived from professional manufacturing and design capability from group company, Jave Yuan Electric Wire Co. & Ltd. With deep customer understanding for ‘Connection’ products and 40+ countries world wide acceptance . Not to mention, the long, enduring customer relationships over 40 years endorsed the excellence of customer service.
Reliable and trustworthy suppliers, majority located in the high technologic Taiwan
Solid manufacturing base of its own dedicated factory for cables and accessory product range
Steady branding enhancements over the years since 1980 group company established